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onload="load()" onunload="GUnload()"}?>>
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$banner_tonelli=' ';
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how to Sleep:
where to Sleep:
where to Eat:
where to have Fun:
...to wake up on Lake Garda!
name |
address |
phone |
hotel ** Alla Noce
via Monsignor Daniele Comboni, 33 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954022 Fax (+39) 0365 954780 |
hotel ** Augusta
via Nova, 14 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954157 Fax (+39) 0365 954157 |
hotel ** Mignon
via IV Novembre, 17 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954060 Fax (+39) 0365 954743 |
hotel ** Riviera
via Nanzello, 10 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954060 Fax (+39) 0365 954743 |
hotel ** Rodos
via E. De Nicola, 2 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954060 Fax (+39) 0365 954743 |
hotel ** San Giorgio
via Iv Novembre, 1 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954082 Fax (+39) 0365 954539 |
hotel ** Susy
via Iv Novembre, 46 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954053 Fax (+39) 0365 954053 |
hotel ** Villa Margherita
via L. Einaudi, 3 25010 Limone sul Garda (BS) |
Phone (+39) 0365 954149 Fax (+39) 0365 954149 |

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echo " ".visualizzalogolink($i);
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